
Crochet Granny Square Tunic and Purse
Yarn: Patons® Grace (50 g) Sizes XS (S-M-L-XL)
Tunic (Blue): 11 (12-14-15-16) balls
Purse: (Blue) 3 balls
Size 3.25 mm (U.S. D or 3) crochet hook or size needed to obtain tension. 1 zipper 10 ins [25 cm] long, 2 pipe-cleaners and ¼ yrd [0.3 m] of lining fabric for Purse.
bust measurement
Extra-Small 32 ins [81.5 cm]
Small 34″ [86.5″]
Medium 36″ [91.5″]
Large 38″ [96.5″]
Extra-Large 40″ [101.5″]
Finished bust measurement
Extra-Small 34 ins [86.5 cm]
Small 36″ [91.5″]
Medium 38″ [96.5″]
Large 40″ [101.5″]
Extra-Large 42″ [106.5″]
Purse: Approx 7 x 10½ ins [18 x 26.5 cm].
8½ V-sts and 12 rows = 4 ins [10 cm]
1 Pattern = 3½ ins [9 cm] square.
Sc2tog = Draw up a loop in each of next 2 sc. Yoh and draw through all 3 loops on hook – Sc2tog made.
The instructions are written for smallest size. If changes are necessary for larger sizes the instructions will be written thus ( ).
MOTIF [make 10 (10-11-11-12)]
Ch 8. Join in ring.
1st rnd: Ch 1. 15 sc in rnd. Join with sl st in first sc.
2nd rnd: Ch 6 (counts as dc and ch 3). *Miss next sc. 1 dc in next sc. Ch 3. Rep from * 6 times more. Join with sl st in 3rd ch of ch 6.
3rd rnd: Ch 1. *(1 sc. 1 hdc. 1 dc. 1 hdc. 1 sc) all in next ch-3 sp. Rep from * around. Join with sl st in first sc.
4th rnd: *Ch 5. (Miss next sc, hdc, dc, hdc). 1 sc in next sc. Rep from * around. Join with sl st in first ch of ch 5.
5th rnd: Ch 1. *(1 sc. 1 hdc. 3 dc. 1 hdc. 1 sc) all in next ch-5 sp. Rep from * around. Join with sl st in first sc.
6th rnd: Sl st in next hdc. Ch 1. 1 sc in same sp as last sl st. Ch 4. * Miss next 2 dc. 1 sc in next dc. Ch 4. (Miss next hdc, 2 sc). 1 sc in next hdc. Ch 4. Miss next 2 dc. 1 sc in next dc**. Ch 7. (Miss next hdc, 2 sc). 1 sc in next hdc. Ch 4. Rep from * twice more, then from * to ** once. Ch 7. Sl st in first sc.
7th rnd: Ch 1. (4 sc in next ch-4 sp) 3 times. *(3 sc. Ch 2. 3 sc) in next corner ch-7 sp. (4 sc in next ch-4 sp) 3 times. Reply from * twice more. (3 sc. Ch 2. 3 sc) in next corner ch-7 sp. Join with sl st to first sc. Fasten off.

Joining Motifs:
Sizes XS, M and XL only: Place 2 motifs with RS facing tog.Working through both thicknessess, proceed as follows: Join yarn with sl st to any corner ch. Ch 1. 1 sc in same sp as last sl st. (Ch 1.Miss next sc. 1 sc in next sc) 10 times. Fasten off.
Sizes S and L only:With RS of 2 motifs facing, proceed as follows: join yarn with sl st to any corner ch of First motif. Ch 1. Sl st to corner ch of second motif. *Ch 2. Miss next sc of first motif. Sl st in next sc. Ch 2. Miss next sc of second motif. Sl st in next sc. Rep from * to corner sc of both motifs. Fasten off.
Foundation rnd for Body: Size XS only: With RS of work facing, join yarn with sl st to any motif corner sc. Ch 1. 1 sc in same sp as last sl st. *Work 21 sc across top of motif. 1 sc in joining sp between motifs. Rep from * around. Join with sl st to first sc. 220 sc.
Sizes M and XL only:With RS of work facing, join yarn with sl st to any motif corner sc. Ch 1. 1 sc in same sp as last sl st.Work 20 sc across top of first motif. [(1 sc in joining sp between motifs. Work 21 sc across top of next motif ) (4-1) time(s). 2 sc in joining sp between motifs. Work 21 sc across top of next motif ] (2-4) times. (1 sc in joining sp between motifs. Work 21 sc across top of next motif ) (0-3) times. 1 sc in joining sp between motifs. Join with sl st to first sc. (244-268) sc.

Sizes S and L only: With RS of work facing, join yarn with sl st to any corner sc. Ch 1. 1 sc in same sp as last sl st.Work 20 sc across top of first motif. [2 sc in joining sp between motifs. Work 21 sc across top of next motif ) (4-2) time(s). 3 sc in joining sp between motifs. Work 21 sc across top of next motif ] (1-3) time(s). (2 sc in joining sp between motifs.
Work 21 sc across top of next motif ) (4-1) time(s). (3-2) sc in joining sp between motifs. Join with sl st to first sc. (232-256) sc.
All Sizes: **1st row: (RS). Ch 3 (counts as dc). Miss next sc. [(1 dc. Ch 1. 1 dc) all in next sc – V-st made. Miss next 2 sc] 35 (37-39-41-43) times. V-st in next sc. 1 dc in next sc. turn. Leave rem sts unworked. 36 (38-40- 42-44) V-sts.
2nd row: Ch 3 (counts as dc). V-st in each V-st to end of row. 1 dc in top of turning ch. turn.
Last row forms pat.
Cont in pat until work from foundation rnd measures 13 ins [33 cm], ending with RS facing for next row.
Armhole shaping: 1st row: Sl st in first dc. (Sl st in next dc, ch 1 sp, dc) 3 times. Slst in next dc. Ch 3 (counts as dc). Miss next ch 1 sp and dc. V-st in each V-st to last 4 V-sts. 1 dc in next dc of next V-st. turn. Leave rem sts unworked.
2nd row: Ch 3. 1 dc in ch-1sp of next V-st. V-st in each V-st to last V-st. 1 dc in ch-1 sp of last V-st. 1 dc in top of turning ch. turn.
3rd row: Ch 3. Miss first 2 dc. V st in each V-st to last dc. Miss last dc. 1 dc in top of turning ch. turn. 26 (28-30-32-34) V-sts.**
Work 3 (3-3-5-5) rows even in pat.
V-neck shaping: ***1st row: Ch 3. V-st in each of next 12 (13-14-14-15) V-sts. 1 dc in ch-1 sp of next V-st. turn. Leave rem sts unworked.
2nd row: Ch 3. 1 dc in ch-1 sp of next V-st. V-st in each V-st to end of row. 1 dc in top of turning ch. turn.
3rd row: Ch 3. V-st in each V-st to last dc. 1 dc in top of turning ch. turn.
Rep 2nd and 3rd rows until there are 6 (7-8-9-10) V-sts.
Cont even in pat until armhole measures 7½ (7½-8-8½-8½) ins [19 (19-20.5-20.5-21.5) cm], ending with RS facing for next row. Fasten off.***
With WS of work facing, join yarn to top of turning ch and work from *** to *** as given above for Right Front, noting RS rows become WS.
Work from ** to ** as given for Front omitting references to leave rem sts unworked.
Cont even in pat until armhole measures 2 rows less than Front, ending with RS facing for next row.
Back neck shaping: Next row: Ch 3. V-st in each of next 6 (7-8-9-10) V-sts. 1 dc in next dc of next V-st. turn.
Leave rem sts unworked.
Next row: Ch 3. V-st in each V-st to end of row. 1 dc in top of turning ch. Fasten off.
WithWS of work facing, join yarn with sl st to top of turning ch. Ch 3. V-st in each of next 6 (7-8-9-10) V-sts. 1 dc in first dc of next V-st. turn. Leave rem sts unworked.
Next row: Ch 3. V-st in each V-st to end of row. 1 dc in top of turning ch. Fasten off.
Make 3 Motifs.
Join Motifs in a row as given for Size S of Front.
Foundation row:With RS of work facing, join yarn with sl st to right corner sc. Ch 1. 1 sc in same sp as last sl st. Work 25 sc across top of first motif. (4 sc in joining sp between motifs. Work 23 sc across top of next motif ) twice.
turn. 80 sc.
Next row: (WS). Ch 3 (counts as dc). (Miss next sc. V-st in next sc. Miss next sc) 26 times. 1 dc in last sc. turn. 26 V-sts.
2nd row: Ch 3 (counts as dc). V-st in each V-st to end of row. 1 dc in top of turning ch. turn.
Last row forms pat.
Rep last row 13 (3-3-3-3) times more.
Proceed as follows:
1st row: (RS). Ch 3. 1 dc in first dc. V-st in each V-st to end of row. 2 dc in top of ch 3. Turn.
2nd row: Ch 3. Miss first dc. 1 dc in next dc. V-st in each V-st to last dc. 1 dc in last dc. 1 dc in top of turning ch. turn.
3rd row: Ch 3. Miss first dc. V-st in next dc. V-st in each V-st to last dc. V-st in last dc. 1 dc in top of turning ch. turn.
4th row: Ch 3. V-st in each V-st to end of row.
1 dc in top of turning ch. turn. 30 sts V-st. Rep last row 10 (8-4-2-2) times more.
Sizes S, M, L and XL only: Rep last (12-8-6- 6) rows (1-2-3-3) time(s) more. (30-32-34-34) V-sts.
All Sizes: Shape Top: 1st row: Sl st in first dc. (Sl st in next dc, ch 1 sp, dc) twice. Slst in next dc. Ch 3 (counts as dc). Miss next ch 1 sp and dc. V-st in each V-st to last 3 V-sts.Miss next dc and ch-1 sp of next V-st. 1 dc in next dc of same V-st. turn. Leave rem sts unworked.
2nd row: Ch 3. 1 dc in ch-1 sp of next V-st. Vst in each V-st to last V-st. 1 dc in ch-1 sp of last V-st. 1 dc in top of turning ch. turn.
3rd row: Ch 3. Miss first 2 dc. V-st in each V-st to last dc. Miss last dc. 1 dc in top of turning ch. turn.
Rep 2nd and 3rd rows until there are 6 V-sts.
Fasten off.
V-Neck Edging: Sew right shoulder seam.
With RS of work facing, join yarn with sl st to corner of left front neck edge. Ch 1. Work 34 (34-37-37-40) sc down left front V-neck edge. Work Sc2tog at bottom point of V-neck.Work 34 (34-37-37-40) sc up right front V-neck edge and 4 sc down right back neck edge, 38 sc across back neck edge and 4 sc up left back neck Fasten off.
Sew left shoulder seam. Sew in sleeves. Sew side and sleeve seams.
Body Edging: With RS of work facing, join yarn to any corner sc of Motif.
Work as given for Foundation rnd for Body for appropriate size, to last 2 sts. (2 sc in next sc) twice. Join with sl st in first sc. 220 (232-244- 256-268) sc.
Next rnd: Ch 1. 1 sc in same sp as last sl st. *Miss next 2 sc. (2 dc. Ch 3. Sl st in top of dc – Picot made. 3 dc) all in next sc.Miss next 2 sc. 1 sc in next sc. Rep from * around, ending with 1 sc in last sc. Join with sl st in first sc. Fasten off.
Sleeve Edging: With RS of work facing, join yarn to corner sc of first Motif.
Work as given for Foundation row for Sleeve, working (sc2tog) twice evenly across. Join with sl st in first sc. 66 sc.
Next rnd: Ch 1. 1 sc in same sp as last sl st. *Miss next 2 sc. (2 dc. Picot. 3 dc) in next sc. Miss next 2 sc. 1 sc in next sc. Rep from * around. Join with sl st in first sc. Fasten off.

Make 12 motifs.
Join 3 motifs in row as follows: Place 2 motifs with RS facing tog. Join yarn with sl st to any corner ch sp. Ch 1. 1 sc in same sp as last sl st. (Ch 1. Miss next sc. 1 sc in next sc) 11 times.
Fasten off.

Join 2 rows for Front or Back in the same manner as given for joining Motifs.
Note: Ch 2 does not count as st.
Gusset and bottom: (worked in one piece).
Ch 4.
1st row: (RS). 1 hdc in 3rd ch from hook. 1 hdc in next ch. Ch 2. Turn.
2nd row: 1 hdc in each of next 2 hdc. Ch 2. Turn.
3rd row: 2 hdc in each of next 2 hdc. Ch 2. Turn.
4th to 6th rows: 1 hdc in each hdc to end of row. Ch 2. Turn.
7th row: 2 hdc in first hdc. 1 hdc in each hdc to last hdc. 2 hdc in last hdc. Ch 2. Turn.
8th to 11th rows: As 4th to 7th rows.
12th row: 1 hdc in each hdc to end of row. Ch 2. Turn.
Rep last row until work from beg measures 20 ins [51 cm], ending with RS facing for next row.
Next row: (Yoh and draw up a loop in next st) twice. Yoh and draw through all loops on hook – Hdc2tog made. 1 hdc in each hdc to last 2 hdc. Hdc2tog over last 2 hdc. Ch 2. Turn.
Next 3 rows: 1 hdc in each st to end of row. Ch 2. Turn.
Next 2 rows: Hdc2tog over first 2 hdc. 1 hdc in each hdc to last 2 hdc. Hdc2tog over last 2 hdc. Ch 2. Turn. Fasten off at end of last row.
Lining: Before joining Front, Back and sides tog, mark WS of lining according to the shape of each piece with ¾ ins [1.5 cm] seam allowance on side and bottom edges and ½ ins [1 cm] seam allowance to top edges. Cut out lining pieces. Sew bottom seam of Front, Back and sides tog using french seam (see diagram). Sew sides using french seam. Stitch along top of Front, Back and sides lining ½ ins [1 cm] from edge. Press lining to WS along this stitching line.
Joining Front, Back and Gusset:WithWS of Front and Gusset tog, join yarn with sl st to top left corner of Front. Ch 1. Working through both thicknessess, work 1 row of sc down left side of Front, across bottom and up right side of Front. Don’t turn.
Next row:Working from left to right instead of from right to left as usual, work 1 reverse sc in each sc to end of row. Fasten off.
Repeat for Back.
Handles (make 2).
Ch 80.
1st row: (RS). 1 hdc in 3rd ch from hook. 1 hdc in each ch to end of ch. turn.
Next 3 rows: Ch 2. 1 hdc in each hdc to end of row. turn.
Fold Handle lengthwise and insert pipecleaner, working through both thicknessess, work 1 sc in each hdc and foundation ch to end of row. Fasten off. Sew handles to Front and Back as illustrated. Sew in zipper.


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