
Knitting Fan Example Making Video Lecture
Hello, beautiful and skillful ladies, welcome to this beautiful topic where we explain the knitting technique called knitting fan sample making. Today, I would like to tell you about the knitting fan example, which is a very flashy knitting model that you can use in many knitting works. Although it is called an example of a fan with eyelashes in some places, they are essentially a crochet fan knitting pattern.

As in this example, many knitting patterns are named after the imagination of talented ladies. It was named after what ladies likened the knitting pattern to the most.

You can use this fan knitting pattern for a lot of knitting work. To give an example of these, the fan shawl model is the most preferred knitting model. Again with this knitting model, a fan vest sample is made. Especially the making of fan baby vest is one of the subjects I want to talk about in the future. And with the example of a fan, the ladies prefer to make a fan model baby blanket.

The reason for this is its very elegant appearance and tasteful knitting.
So ladies, what are the necessary materials to make a knitting fan sample as seen in the picture.
green fiber rope
Crochet number 3
Which sub-knitting techniques should be known in order to make a fan sample.
chain pulling
Double handrail construction
frequent needle making
For the fan example, we draw 42 chains to make the sample model I shared above.
This is just a knitting example, determine the number of chains of the crochet fan shawl you will knit according to the size of the shawl you will make. And we pull six more chains. In this chain backwards we sink into the seventh chain and sink here and extend our loop as long as the chain.
We press the last loop accumulated on the awl over this loop with our index finger. Here we sink twelve chains and lengthen our loops. In this way, we gathered the loops in our crochet and we collect these loops together. Then we make a single needle on the tops.

Knitting fan sample making
We draw six chains. We sink into the next chain where the motif in the starting row ends and we make a single needle here. Again we draw six chains.
We sink into each chain in the row and extend the loops, that’s six chain lengths.
We collect twelve loops for our crochet hook and press the last loop with our index finger so that there is no size change. We gather these loops together and we make one frequent needle on it. We knit the third motif in the same way.
We draw six chains and sink into the last chain of the motif. We turn the back of our knitting, and then we sink these chains along the row and make frequent needles.
As you can see in the last picture, we crocheted until the end of the row. Meanwhile, we lay our last stitch up to the middle of the motif and measure it to see how long we need to stretch it. Then we make a half fan motif here by pressing the top of the loop we crocheted with our index finger.
We prepared the loops of the half motif. We gather these loops together and make one frequent needle and draw six chains. In the row where we make frequent needles, we insert the frequent needle at the end of the motif and combine these chains here by making frequent needles.
Again we draw six chains. And now we extend the loops by these six chains by digging into the frequent needles between the two motifs. We do not stick to the frequent needle that comes right in the middle. We gather the loops we have crocheted together.


We draw six chains and prick the frequent needle in the middle of the motif and connect these chains by making a single needle here. Again, we make this next motif between the next two motifs. At the end of the row, another half motif is formed.
This is how it happens. This row and the next rows now continue as the repetition of these two rows. We turn the back of the meal and make frequent needles on the chains made.
The third row will be the same as the first row. We are making our new motif between two motifs.
Yes, ladies, this is how the crochet knitting fan sample is made. At the very beginning of the subject, we have already explained how to make a fan sample with video narration. In the same way, I explained step by step how to make a crochet fan model with pictures.
The important thing is to learn how to knit this knitting fan example. After that, you can develop the technique of making many fan knitting patterns by adding different motifs and combinations.

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