
Feather and Fan Stitch for Beginners





Cast on a multiple of 18 sts

Row 1 (RS): knit all sts

Row 2: purl all sts

Row 3: *(K2tog) 3 times, (YO, K1) 6 times, (K2tog) 3 times; repeat from * to end of row

Row 4: knit all sts

Feather and Fan Stitch Knitting Pattern for Beginners

Materials Needed:

  • Worsted weight yarn
  • Knitting needles suitable for your yarn weight



  • k: knit
  • p: purl
  • yo: yarn over
  • k2tog: knit two stitches together
  • ssk: slip, slip, knit

Pattern: The Feather and Fan Stitch pattern consists of four rows repeated:

Row 1 (Right Side): Knit across the row. Row 2: Purl across the row.

Row 3: *K1, [yo, k2tog] three times, [k2tog, yo] three times, repeat from * to last stitch, k1. Row 4: Purl across the row.

Repeat these four rows to continue the Feather and Fan Stitch pattern.


  1. Begin: Cast on a multiple of 18 stitches plus 2 additional stitches for the pattern repeat.
  2. Row 1 (Right Side): Knit across the row.
  3. Row 2: Purl across the row.
  4. Row 3: K1, [yo, k2tog] three times, [k2tog, yo] three times, repeat from * to last stitch, k1.
  5. Row 4: Purl across the row.
  6. Repeat Rows 1-4: Continue repeating Rows 1 through 4 until your piece reaches the desired length, ending with Row 4.


  • This pattern creates a beautiful wave-like design that is perfect for beginners learning new stitch techniques.
  • Always knit the first and last stitch of every row to maintain a neat edge.

The Feather and Fan Stitch pattern is a great introduction to lace knitting for beginners. Enjoy creating a delicate and textured fabric with this simple yet elegant stitch pattern!

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