
Primrose Dress

See diagrams A.1 to A.5. Diagrams A.1 and A.5 show how diagram begins and ends. On 7th, 11th and 13th round, A.5 and A.1 do not replace first stitch in A.4 and A.2, i.e. the rounds start with 3 chain stitches (does not replace first double crochet) and finishes with 1 slip stitch in first stitch in A.2 and A.4. On the remaining rounds, first stitch in A.2 and A.4 is replaced with A.1 and A.5

At beginning of every round with double crochet replace first double crochet with 3 chain stitches. Finish round with 1 slip stitch in 3rd chain stitch at beginning of round.
On every round with single crochets replace first single crochet with 1 chain stitch. Finish round with 1 slip stitch in first chain stitch at beginning of round.

INCREASE TIP-1 (evenly spaced):
To calculate how to increase evenly, use the total number of stitches on round (e.g. 94 double crochets) and divide stitches by number of increases to be done (e.g. 18) = 5.2. i.e. in this example work 2 double crochets in approx. 5th double crochet.

INCREASE TIP-2 (applies to side of body):
Work until 2 double crochets remain before marker thread, work 2 double crochets in next double crochet, 1 double crochet in each of the next 2 double crochets (marker thread is in the middle of these double crochets), work 2 double crochets in next double crochet Increase like this at both marker threads (= 4 double crochets increased in total).

* Make 1 yarn over, insert hook in next stitch, get yarn, make 1 yarn over and pull yarn through the 2 first loops on hook *, repeat from *-* 1 more time, make 1 yarn over and pull yarn through all 3 loops on hook (= 1 double crochet decreased).

DECREASE TIP (applies to body):
Decrease 1 double crochet on each side of every marker thread as follows: Work until 3 double crochets remain before marker thread, WORK 2 DOUBLE CROCHETS TOGETHER – see explanation above, work 1 double crochet in each of the next 2 double crochets (marker thread is in the middle of these stitches), work the next 2 double crochets together. Decrease like this at both marker threads (= 4 double crochets decreased in total).

DECREASE TIP-1 (evenly spaced):
To calculate how to evenly decrease, take the total number of stitches on round (for example 60 stitches) and divide by the number of decreases that should be made (for example 6) = 10. In this example work every 9th and 10th stitch together .
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Work in the round top down. Round begins approx. mid back (this varies in the different sizes due to number of pattern repetitions on back piece).

Work 108-108-117-117-124-124 chain stitches on hook size 4 mm / G/6 with Cotton Merino and form 1 ring with 1 slip stitch in first chain stitch. Work first round as follows: Work 3 chain stitches (= 1 double crochet) – read CROCHET INFO, 1 double crochet in each of the next 3-3-5-5-5-5 chain stitches, * skip 1 chain stitch, 1 double crochet in each of the next 6 chain stitches *, repeat from *-* = 94-94-102-102-108-108 double crochets. Work 1 round with 1 double crochet in every double crochet and increase 18-18-22-22-28-40 double crochets evenly – read INCREASE TIP-1 = 112-112-124-124-136-148 double crochets.
Work next round and insert 4 marker threads in the piece as follows: A.1 shows how round begins and ends – read PATTERN. Work A.2 (= 6 double crochets) over the first 18-18-24-24-24-30 double crochets (= 3-3-4-4-4-5 times in width) (= approx. half back piece ), A.3 (= 4 double crochets), insert 1st marker thread, A.2 over the next 12 double crochets (= 2 times in width), insert 2nd marker thread, A.3 over the next 4 double crochets (= sleeve), A.2 over the next 36-36-42-42-48-54 double crochets (= 6-6-7-7-8-9 times in width) (= front piece), A.3 over the next 4 double crochets, insert 3rd marker thread, A.2 over the next 12 double crochets (= 2 times in width), insert 4th marker thread, A.3 over the next 4 double crochets (= sleeve) and finish with A. 2 over the last 18-18-18-18-24-24 double crochets (= 3-3-3-3-4-4 times in width). REMEMBER THE CROCHET GAUGE! Continue pattern like this and increase as shown in diagram A.3.
AT THE SAME TIME increase evenly on sleeve (i.e. between 1st and 2nd marker thread and between 3rd and 4th marker thread) as follows:
ROUND 8: Increase 0-6-6-6-6-6 double crochets on each sleeve (= 0-12-12-12-12-12 double crochets increased in total).
ROUND 10: Increase 0-0-0-0-6-6 double crochets on each sleeve (= 0-0-0-0-12-12 double crochets increased in total).
ROUND 14: Increase 0-0-0-0-0-6 double crochets on each sleeve (= 0-0-0-0-0-12 double crochets increased in total).
When A.1 to A.3 have been worked 1 time vertically, there are 240-252-264-264-288-312 double crochets on last round. Piece measures approx. 15cm / 6”.
Work the first 0-0-2-2-4-4 rounds of A.2a over all stitches. Piece measures approx. 15-15-17-17-19-

19 cm / 6″-6″-6 3/4″-6 3/4″-7½”-7½”.
Now work double crochets over body and pattern over sleeves as follows:
Work 1 double crochet in each of the first 33-33-39-39-39-45 double crochets and increase 0-2-2-2-2-2 double crochets evenly (= approx. half back piece), work A. 4 (= 6 double crochets) over the next 54-60-60-60-66-72 double crochets (= 9-10-10-10-11-12 times in width) (= sleeve), work 1 double crochet in each of the next 66-66-72-72-78-84 double crochets and increase 0-4-4-4-4-4 double crochets evenly (= front piece), A.4 over the next 54-60-66 -60-66-72 double crochets (= 9-10-11-10-11-12 times in width) (= sleeve) and finish with 1 double crochet in each of the last 33-33-33-33-39- 39 double crochets and increase 0-2-2-2-2-2 double crochets evenly (= approx. half back piece) (= 0-8-8-8-8-8 double crochets increased in total). Increase like this every round 0-2-2-3-4-5 times in total = 240-268-280-288-320-352 stitches.
On round 7, 10 and 12 in diagram A.4a work transition between double crochets and pattern as follows: Work double crochets until 1 double crochet remains before pattern, work 2 chain stitches and 1 single crochet in last double crochet, work pattern as before , work 1 single crochet in first double crochet after pattern and 2 chain stitches.
Continue like this until piece measures 18-19-21-23-25-27 cm / 7″-7½”-8 1/4″-9″-9 3/4″-10½”. Now divide sleeves and body as follow:
Work 1 double crochet in each of the first 33-37-43-45-47-55 double crochets (= approx. half back piece), work 6-6-6-12-12-12 chain stitches, skip the next 54 -60-60-60-66-72 stitches (= A.4) for sleeve, work 1 double crochet in each of the next 66-74-80-84-94-104 double crochets (= front piece), work 6 -6-6-12-12-12 chain stitches, skip the next 54-60-60-60-66-72 stitches (= A.4) for sleeve and finish with 1 double crochet in each of the last 33-37 -37-39-47-49 double crochets (= approx. half back piece). Finish sleeves and body separately.

= 144-160-172-192-212-232 double crochets/chain stitches. Insert a marker thread in the middle of the new stitches under each sleeve. Continue with 1 double crochet in every stitch. When piece measures 4 cm / 1½” from where body was divided for sleeves, decrease 1 double crochet on each side of every marker thread (= 4 double crochets decreased) – read DECREASE TIP! Decrease like this every 0-3½-6-3½-3½-0 cm / 0″-1 1/4″-2 1/4″-1 1/4″-1 1/4″-0” 1-3 -2-3-3-1 time in total = 140-148-164-180-200-228 double crochets. Continue with 1 double crochet in every double crochet.
When piece measures 37-39-41-43-45-47 cm / 14½”-15¼”-16 1/8”-17”-17¾”-18½” from neck edge, increase 1 double crochet on each side of every marker thread (= 4 double crochets increased) – read INCREASE TIP-2. Increase like this every 1½ cm / ½” 16-17-16-15-19-18 times in total = 204-216-228-240-276-300 double crochets. When piece measures 47-48-48-48-48-48 cm / 18½”-19″-19″-19″-19″-19″” from where piece was divided from sleeves, work A.4a over all stitches (= 34-36-38-40-46-50 times in width). Diagram A.5 shows how every round begins and ends. When A.4a has been worked 1 time vertically, piece measures approx. 59-60-60-60-60-60 cm / 23 1/4″-23½”-23½”-23½”-23½-“23½” from where piece was divided from sleeves. Fasten off. Piece measures approx. 77 -79-81-83-85-87 cm / 30 3/8”-31”-32”-32¾”-33½”-34¼” from neck edge.

Worked in the round, top down. Work 1 single crochet in the 1st chain stitch of the 6-6-12-12-12-12 chain stitches worked in armhole on body, work A.4a over chain stitches (= 1-1-1-2-2-2 times in width), adjust pattern according to rest of sleeve, then work pattern as before over the 54-60-60-60-66-72 stitches (i.e. work A.4a, A.5 shows how every round begins and ends) = 60-66-72-72-78-84 stitches.
Diagram A.4a is now worked 10-11-12-12-13-14 times in width. Continue pattern like this. When piece measures 4 cm / 1½” from where sleeves were divided from body, adjust so that next round is 1 round with double crochets, decrease 6 double crochets evenly – READ DECREASE TIP-1. Work A.4a 1 time less in width. Decrease like this every 8-6-6-5-5-3 cm / 3″-2½”-2½”-2″-2″-1” 2-3-3-3-3-4 times in total = 48-48-54-54-60-60 double crochets.A.4a is now worked 8-8-9-9-10-10 times in width.Continue pattern like this until piece measures 22-22-20-18- 17-15 cm / 8 3/4″-8 3/4″-8″-7″-6 3/4″-6” from where sleeve was divided from body, adjust so that next round is a round with double crochets. On next round increase 24-24-30-30-36-36 double crochets evenly = 72-72-84-84-96-96 double crochets. A.4a is now worked 12-12-14-14-16-16 times in width. Continue like this until sleeve measures 34-34-32-30-29-27 cm / 13½”-13½”-12½”-11 3/4″-11½”-10½” from where it was divided from body, adjust to finish according to pattern. Fasten nicely off. Sleeve measures approx. 52-53-53-53-54-54 cm / 20½”-21″-21″-21″-21 1/4″-21 1/4” from neck edge.

Crochet an edge around the neck. Begin mid-back. Work * 1 single e crochet in first/next double crochet, 3 chain stitches, skip approx. 1 cm / 3/8” *, repeat from *-* around the entire neck. Make sure to avoid a tight neck edge, adjust to finish with 1 slip stitch in first single crochet. Fasten off.
This pattern has been corrected. Click here to see the correction/s..

Updated online: 18.01.2019
Please add the following
Correction – YOKE: ROUND 10: Increase 0-0-0-0-6-6 double crochets on each sleeve (= 0-0-0-0-12-12 double crochets increased in total)… Work 1 double crochet in each of the first 33-37-43-45-47-55 double crochets (= approx. half back piece), work 6-6-12-12-12-12 chain stitches….
Updated online: 28.04.2020
L = work 6 chain stitches (note 12) …. Now divide sleeves and body as follows: Work 1 double crochet in each of the first 33-37-43-45-47-55 double crochets (= approx. half back piece), work 6-6-6-12-12-12 chain stitches, skip the next 54-60-60-60-66-72 stitches (= A.4) for sleeve, work 1 double crochet in each of the next 66-74-80-84-94-104 double crochets (= front piece), work 6-6-6-12-12-12 chain stitches,


All measurements in charts are in cm.

symbols = chain stitch symbols = single crochet in stitch symbols = single crochet between 2 double crochets symbols = single crochet around chain space symbols = double crochet in stitch symbols = double crochet around chain stitch/chain space symbols = this round has already been worked, it only shows how next round should be worked in/around stitches symbols = slip stitch



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